All Prices online are for Unframed items unless stated . If you require a framed item to be shipped please phone for prices . All Items are available already framed in local shop for pick up.

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Why Buy From Us ?

We realise that authenticity is the primary concern for anyone interested in purchasing signed memorabilia. Here we only stock memorabilia that is 100 per cent genuine.The Most important part of checking authenticity is the signing photo`s.
All Genuine memorabilia should come with signing photos .

All our Items come with certification showing you the person signing the Items.    

The memorabilia is from signing sessions that I have been present at myself. Any other memorabilia that I was not present at only comes from one or two companies who we know are reputable, that we have long term relationships with, and who provide indisputable proof of authenticity.

We only ever sell original signatures; we never sell reproductions of signatures. All our products are signed in organised signing sessions and the players are always paid a fee, because without the players there would be no memorabilia.
We can guarantee the authenticity of all of our signed memorabilia, as we know when and where every single item was signed and have the proof to support this.